Exquisite Men`s Unstitched Fabrics at Parcha Fabrics:
Parcha Fabrics is one of the finest brands when it comes to men`s unstitched fabrics. They have made their name prominent in Pakistan by delivering high-quality and premium fabrics to their customers. They provide their customers with the quality and class that only premium brands in Pakistan are delivering to the people. This dedication and customer service were the key factors that made this brand one of the finest men`s unstitched fabric brands in Pakistan.
At Parcha Fabrics, they have many different kinds of men’s fabrics, including Pima cotton, Egyptian cotton, Supima cotton, poly wash and wear, micro-modal wash and wear, faron wash and wear, Chairman Latha, double horse bosky. Originality and honesty are the basic and most important principles they follow in their business, which is why customers from all over Pakistan trust them and come to them again and again. We will describe some of the prominent fabrics that Parcha Fabrics sells to its customers.
Pima Cotton:
Pima cotton is an extra-long staple fiber cotton, which is a very high-quality cotton. Its feel and durability are always better than those of normal-quality cotton. It is an expensive cotton and only premium textile brands use this Pima cotton fiber to make their yarn, and then by using this fiber, they can make high-quality cotton fabric for their customers.
Wash and wear:
Wash and wear is one of the most popular men`s fabrics because it is very soft and comfortable because of its properties. This fabric consists of polyester and cotton yarn. While making this fabric, the percentage of polyester and cotton can be 35% polyester and 65% cotton, or 20% polyester and 80% cotton. This fabric is usually iron-free or requires a little bit of iron before wearing. That is why people love to buy this fabric because everybody is in a hurry nowadays and they want a garment that requires low maintenance. Wash and wear fabric is usually used to make shalwar kameez, kurta pajamas, and waistcoats for men.
A double-horse bosky is a Chinese fabric also known as spun silk. It is one of the most premium men`s fabrics of all time. This classic fabric comes in a beautiful cream color and has a fall in it, which gives it a very cool look. That is why customers love to wear this fabric. This fabric is a little more expensive than others, but a man who knows its worth always buys it without hesitation. Bosky comes in various qualities, including 6 pounds, 8 pounds, 10 pounds, and 12 pounds.
Finally, we can say that Parcha Fabrics is an exceptional premium brand that has been providing quality to its customers for years, and because of this dedication and customer service, this brand has reached the heights of the mountain that it deserves in the Pakistani fashion industry.